Sunday, July 1, 2012

James Bywood at Cascada Studio

Aquatint etching / James Bywood
 Screen printer James Bywood came to Cascada Studio for a week of aquatint etching. Being used to producing screen prints, the sometimes tricky concept of thinking in negative, came natural to James, and he took to aquatint etching like a screenprinter to a squeege :o) During his stay, in the hottest week we have had all summer, James still managed to produce 2 fine aquatint etchings, with a sure hand creating both subtle and intriguing images. As the instructor at Cascada Studio, it is great fun to have someone so curious and quick to pick up as James is.... a pleasure to work with, you are so Welcome back, James!
James in full swing at Cascada Studio
 You can see more photos from the course on Cascada Studios Facebook page.
Aquatint etching / James Bywood


  1. Ooooo, so lovely and subtle! I really love the first print - such a fab. contrast between the fine, deep blue of the telegraph poles & wires, with the birds, against ths soft, drifting clouds. The purple and blue work very well in the second print and James has caught such a sense of huge skies and open space. He definitely should make more aquatints!
    Sounds like you had fun too, Mariann.

  2. Yes, lovely prints...... and I agree, James should do more aquatints....
