Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Etching film coming on Youtube!!

We have just finished making a new etching film, at Cascada Studio, this is a 3 part Basic Etching.
Part 1: Deals with the preparation of the plate, and putting the line on the plate
Part 2: Adding the feather in the Soft Ground
Part 3: I put on the reductive aquatint for all the shading, and this is the result.......
I'll let you know when it comes up on Youtube.... but a bit of patience is probably required,
we spent a lot of "film" on this one!!

I am hoping over the course (pardon the pun!!:O)) of the next year, to be making quite a few new films for my Youtube channel, Cascada Studio, it's great fun, and from all the e-mails I receive, it is also fun for you guys out there, so I'll keep them coming........ :o)
PSST, great January rate on my lino courses......


  1. Wow! Exciting stuff, Mariann. I really like your videos, because they explain things so well. I used the "Inking a la poupee" instructions when I went on my printmaking course and did some drypoint etching - it helped me to make a rather nice print, so I was very grateful to you!
    Looking forward to this then!

  2. I can't wait to see the new video's mariann.For those of us who can't easily come to one of your courses it's an excellent way to get started and to be inspired to advance in this wonderful medium.

  3. This is what makes the films such fun, all you guys out there being so positive, thank you for that!!
